26th December 2024

Search Thurlaston Parish Council

Serving the people of Thurlaston

Recreation Ground Rules of Use


1. Thurlaston Recreation Ground (The park) is located at Earl Shilton Road, Thurlaston, LE9 7TG.

2. The park is a space provided for the benefit of all parishioners. All events shall take due regard of the needs of the public to have access. Thurlaston Parish Council (TPC) and as legal trustee of [insert name of the Trust] (The Trust), as owners of the land, act on behalf of the villagers to ensure use and management of the Recreation Ground to their benefit.

3. TPC also seeks to protect the environment in its management of the park and therefore promotes responsible usage of this wonderful resource.

4. These rules relate to the casual and organised use of the park. On application for use of the park specific conditions appropriate to the proposed usage may be put upon the grant of permission by TPC.


5. Access to the park is via designated gateways and entrances.

6. Users are required to behave sensibly and with consideration when using the recreation ground. This includes not intentionally obstructing, disturbing or annoying other users or residents of neighbouring properties. Playing music should be done in a way so as not to interfere with the peaceful ambiance of the village.

7. Damage, theft or vandalism to any part of the recreation ground, including plants, seats, play equipment, notices or any other facilities provided will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Police.

8. TPC does not accept any responsibility or liability for the death of or injury to any person or animal who or which is at any time upon the recreation ground or for the loss of or damage to any property or vehicle belonging to any person. All persons visiting the recreation ground shall do so entirely at their own risk.

9. Items left on the Recreation Ground, with or without the permission of TPC, are the sole responsibility of the owner. TPC is not responsible for any damage caused to or by the piece of equipment or item. Any third party using or tampering with the item/equipment without authority does so at their own risk.


10. Any formal, organised or commercial use (which includes charitable fundraising activities) of the park requires advance permission of the TPC. If you are unsure if an activity constitutes such use, please contact the Clerk.

11. Any enquiries as to the use of the park should be submitted to clerk@thurlastonparish.org.uk . A detailed application for use should be submitted before use. Application forms are available from the Parish Council website on www.thurlastonparish.org.uk or from the clerk. At least four weeks' notice should be given to allow the Council to make a decision on usage.

12. TPC reserves the right to make any further enquiries before granting or refusing the application. TPC may require evidence in support of the application – for example proof of liability insurance and risk assessments. TPC may charge a fee for certain usage of the park. TPC will advise the applicant in writing of its decision through the Parish Clerk at the earliest opportunity.

Dog Walking

13. Dog walking is permitted. Dogs should be kept on a lead at all times and continually supervised and kept under control. Dog fouling is not permitted.

Restrictions on Use of the Park

14. Rubbish and waste must not be left on the park. Litter should be placed in the bins or removed by the user.

15. The following activities are prohibited without permission of the TPC:

- Fires

- Barbecues

- Metal detecting

- Digging up the ground

- Removing any plants or trees

- The erection of tents, windbreaks or gazebos

- The erection of any fencing, whether temporary or permanent

- The bringing of vehicles (including motorbikes and mopeds) or caravans onto the park

- Horse riding or grazing

- Grazing of animals

- Fireworks or Chinese lanterns

- Flying of powered model aircraft or drones

- Shooting

- Archery

- Display of posters or any advertising material

- Golf


Any damage, vandalism and illegal activity will be reported to the police.

TPC reserves the right to take whatever steps are required, including if necessary banning individuals or groups of people, to ensure that the recreation ground may be enjoyed by those carrying out appropriate activities that do not obstruct, disturb or annoy other users and neighbouring residents.

Last updated: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 08:24