BDC Planning News
Blaby District Council Planning Newsletter
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Welcome to the Planning Newsletter; featuring a round-up of recently submitted, approved and refused planning applications. Our featured item is an update to the Blaby District Local Plan.
๐ Feature: Local Plan
In our end-of-August newsletter we mentioned upcoming changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. This would affect the progress of our new Local Plan, which will guide future development across the District. The timeline has been updated following a review of Government proposals to change the national planning system.
Changes to the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) would include compulsory housing targets and changed policies. To make sure our new Plan meets these changes, we now aim to produce the next version, known as the Regulation 19 version, by July 2025.
This version is a full draft that we will consult on, asking residents, businesses and communities their views on proposals for development across the District until 2041.
After public consultation the Local Plan will be put to the Planning Inspectorate for examination by an independent inspector.
โ Recently approved applications
Here is a selection of recently approved planning applications:
Archery Field, Countesthorpe Road, between Countesthorpe and Wigston - 24/0677/FUL
- Installation of one 20 foot shipping container and removal of existing 10 foot shipping container (currently on the car parking area). Cross boundary application with Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
- Change of use of existing dwelling (C3) to a children's home (C2) for the care of up to three children aged 6 to 14 years
- Retrospective application for siting of InPost Parcel Locker
- Single storey detached meeting room (adjacent to existing clubhouse)
- Single storey rear extension, conversion of garage to garden room, extensions to existing external rear terrace area and cattery to provide two additional pens.
๐ Planning resources
Explaining the planning process
Do I need planning permission?
๐ New applications
Here is a selection of planning applications that are currently under consideration:
Soars Lodge Farm, Foston Lane, Foston - 24/0734/FUL
- Construction of a solar farm together with associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure
- Outline planning application for a.) provision of up to 134 dwellings constituting up to 43 Affordable Housing units, up to 75 Open Market Housing units and up to 16 serviced plots for self-build and custom housebuilding, b.) hedge and tree removal with (re)planting where relevant, c.) provision of a mobility hub and d.) with all matters reserved except access.
- Reserved Matters application for the erection of 120 dwellings (details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale)
- Reserved Matters application for the strategic landscaping and green infrastructure for Phase 2, Sub-phase 3 of outline planning approval 11/0100/1/OX
- Full planning application for approval of the residential development of 68 dwellings, public open space, drainage attenuation, access from Wright Close, and other associated works and infrastructure
๐ Appeals
Here is a selection of appeals recently determined by the Planning Inspectorate:
20 Pougher Close, Sapcote - 24/0436/FUL
- Erection of new Self and Custom Housebuilding dwelling, which will be one and a half storey. Demolition of existing outbuildings. Appeal DISMISSED 22/10/2024
- Erection of new dwelling house. Appeal DISMISSED 28/10/2024
The Planning Inspectorate is the authority to process all planning and planning enforcement appeals.
๐๏ธ Forthcoming Planning Committee
The next Planning Committee meeting is on Thursday 28 November at 4.30pm. The full agenda is available on our website but it includes:
Land South of Orchard Lea Close, Cooks Lane, Sapcote - 23/1072/OUT
- Outline planning application for residential development of up to 5 self-build dwellings (all matters reserved)
- Outline planning application for the development of up to 185 dwellings (access only) with vehicular access point from Willoughby Road, with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, scale and layout) reserved
- Change of use from agricultural land to leisure use, erection of 10 holiday lodges, proposed new access and internal track, installation of pedestrian & cycle infrastructure, programme of off-site highway improvements, and enhanced landscaping
- Outline Application for the residential development of up to 80 dwellings and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except access)
Minutes will be available after the meeting for you to view below.
You can watch a live stream of Planning Committee meetings on our YouTube channel. Keep an eye on our dedicated page below for the latest updates.
๐๏ธ Recent Planning Committee
The most recent Planning Committee meeting took place on Thursday 31 October at 4.30pm including the following:
Land East of Lutterworth Road, Blaby - 23/0968/OUT
- Residential development of up to 53 dwellings including associated vehicular access, affordable housing, landscaping and drainage infrastructure (all matters reserved except for access). Application to be APPROVED subject to detailed conditions
- Outline planning application for the erection of up to 31 dwellings and associated infrastructure, including construction of a new access to Little Glen Road, public open space and a sustainable urban drainage system. Application to be APPROVED subject to detailed conditions
Posted: Fri, 22 Nov 2024